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You might be reading this page right now. Let's think about some steps here. You might be a human. If you are a might be a human and if you read English, you have understanding of these symbols here. Turns out these symbols are a somewhat arbitrary set of meanings intend by humans to store ideas. There was a previous storage of ideas that was a somewhat agreed upon set of waves detectable by most ears that would be able to quickly and in a complex way, deliver ideas to other might be humans who also agreed upon the same idea encoding structure and also wished to be communicating ideas. A form of networking that has low fidelity and low life span.

But what if I took your wave and encoded that on a physical item that not only can outlast the wave, but it lasts so long that I can preform a copy action on that encoded wave on the physical item to make the lifespan of this idea encoded in waves live in a better preserved state on additional media.

So we have this encoding of ideas, but because it's so generic and flexible, we can have variation on how it is stored and what it looks like. Amazingly enough, might be humans can identify the same general encoding across all this variation. Which means that it is possible to encode the encoding into a different encoding as long as you have the ability to decode that encoding into the encoding that is human readable (English).

Enter nerds

Now, might be humans had been doing just fine at this point, but during all this process, there was this sorta second language going on which necessarily had a lot of entanglement with the normal, useful language. However, This second language was numbers. Someone accidentally let some fool think for two long about grouping items and quantities in general. Now this fool's thinking and thinking. Now this fool starts playing with the the grouping designations. Sure there are applications for agriculture and whatnot, but let's be serious, whoever this might be human was, they had too much time on their hands. Can you imagine how smug this might be human is that they now know how to play with groupings to predict other groupings?

total nerd

Regardless of nerdity, since it is determinded that groupings, since they really are a language, just a weird one, can be used as an encoding for the encoding of the useful language. Since you can make the grouping language dumb enough for rocks to speak it, you can shove instructions into the grouping language, super charge those instructions with encoding of the useful language, and now you have what appears to be: talking rocks.

You get to the point where the might be humans have now taken that great lightning of the gods and trapped this force into the sands of the earth in order to force it through the gates of logic and reason defined by the ancients of old. That lightning is then forced to represent the grouping of items in ways that speak in the mystic languages of the ancients in order to then finally encode themselves into the wave language of old that was encoded to be seen. Then, not only is it presented in a way to be seen, but often the way it is presented is by shooting a power mimicking the light of the sun directly to your own face.

Please keep in mind, this was kinda written with more poetic intent. The amount of encoding and decoding involved in all of these steps in order to shovel arbitrary information down the line is somewhat monumental. The coordination alone is probably the greatest might be human achievement up to that point.

Are might be human's even real?

Maybe they might not be human. Maybe they might be something unreal.

Either way, don't panic.

We have made some very crucial decisions at this point. Now that we force basically every Greek god to do what we command just because we determined how to spread information. Now that this has occurred. Now. Now we have decided upon what the MOST important information is. It is the human's goal. After all of this struggle we decide every day the information that is deserving of helping to move the species to a brighter tomorrow.

The humans that have harnessed this power have decided. What they wanted to communicate is


Author's note: yeah, I know this is all incoherent and grammatically broken. If ya don't like it, please feel free to brand me as incapable of delivering ideas hot and fresh to your mind. I'll take another stab at fixing this essay later.